Guelph Civic Museum
6 Dublin Street South
Guelph, Ontario
N1H4L5 (519) 836- 1221
McCrae House
108 Water Street
Guelph, Ontario
N1G 1A6 (519) 836-1482
Dear Melba Jewell:
I read the article by Valerie Hill about you in the May 1994 issue of the Guelph Mercury Seniors’
Magazine, with much interest.
I am a senior volunteer at Guelph Museums, doing various research projects, and since 1990.
I have been collecting any information I can find about the Black Settlement in Guelph.
There seems to be very little written about this area, either about Guelph or Wellington County.
Your story about the Jewell family history interests me, and I would very much appreciate being
able to see it sometime.
I also wondered if you would care to look at the information I have gathered, particularly from
the Census Records, to ascertain whether or not it is accurate.
If you would like to meet me at the museum some time I would be glad to arrange a time which
is mutually convenient. My home phone number is: 824-6852.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours truly,
Mary McLean
Curatorial Museum Volunteer
Guelph Museums