Appendix – Updated Members Categories (based on August 15, 2000 suggestions)
Core Members – Defined as having permanent and active programming
- Nathaniel Dett Chapel & Norval Johnson Heritage Library
- Salem Chapel – St. Catharines BME Church
- St. Catharines Museum
- Bertie Hall
- Griffin House
- Stuart Memorial Church, Hamilton
Museum Category – Defined as museum having a black history component or marker sites with active committees
- Old Durham Road Pioneer Cemetery
- Welland Historical Museum
- BME churches
- Sheffield Museum – Collingwood
- Oakville Museum
- AME Church, Oakville
- Wellington County Museum
- Guelph Civic Museum
- Fieldcote Museum
- Simcoe County Museum
- Brant County Museum (?)
- Historic Otterville Station Museum & Cemetery
Marker Members – Defined as having no physical structure and may or may not provide interpretation. There is no active committee.
- Forts
- Niagara-on-the-Lake
- Cemetery – Ridgemount
Associate Members
- Niagara Parks Commission
- Tourism bureaux – marketing
- Munuicipalities (Economic Development & Tourism)
- Quilt Festival
- NET Corp.
- Receptive operators
- U.S. sites i.e. Detroit museum
- Black cultural museum – Halifax
- Boards of Education
- Ministry of Education
Draft 1 July 28, 2000; Draft 2 – August 31, 2000