Land Petitions 1819
To his Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland Knight Commander of the most honorable military order of the Bath, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Upper Canada and Major General commanding his Majesty’s Forces therein – in Council.
The Petition of Jonathan Butler farmer of the Township of Toronto in the Home District humbly sheweth (a Man of Color)
That your Excellency’s petitioner is a native of Pennsylvania who has resided in the Province upwards of eleven years has by his industry purchased a small farm of fifty acres of land on which he has made an improvement of thirty acres.
That your Excellency’s petitioner is desirous of obtaining more wild lands and has never obtained any lans or grant of lands whatsoever from the Crown.
Therefore humbly pray your Excellency in Command will be pleased to grant him such a portion of the waste lands of the Crown in this Province as to your Excellency’s wisdom may seem mete and your petitioner for your Excellency’s health and welfare as in duty bound will ever pray.
Toronto March 9th 1819