October 2, 1989
The Honourable Theo. K. Jewell
Mayor of Kapuskasing
88 Riverside Drive
Kapuskasing, ON
P5N 1B3
Dear Mayor Jewell:
Thank you very much for sending along the first instalment of five for a scholarship in
memory of Miss Edith Rose Brooks. Our receipt is enclosed.
After discussion with Charlotte Leonard, Chair of the Department of Music, we would
like to propose the following:
That we create a scholarship in perpetuity which could be
named after Miss Brooks, if this is acceptable. It will be
awarded to a Huntington student in his/her first year of the
music programme with the highest overall standing in Grade
13 or equivalent basis of admission.
It is our intention to award this scholarship in the amount of
$100.00 this year and deposit the balance in our restricted
funds to earn interest so that in a five-year period, we would
be able to award an amount of $250.00 in perpetuity.
We trust that this arrangement will meet with your approval and ask that you please let
us know as soon as possible so that we may proceed to set it up.
We hope to offer the scholarship this fall.
Douglas Joblin