Tourism Marketing Product
- Meeting hosted by NETCORP on October 23rd with tourism operators in Niagara to discuss the possible development of an “Underground Railroad” strategy with the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership (OTMP). The purpose of the meeting was to raise awareness of the strategy and obtain their support. Unfortunately the meeting was not well represented by the industry.
- A similar meeting was also held in Windsor that had good representation from the tourism industry.
- A core working group has been established that includes: Paul Samson (Mtour), Marie Cheeseman (Mtour), Eva Salter (MCZCR), Gary Hardy (NETCORP), Elizabeth Handle (Windsor), Janet Jones (Tourism manager Essex-Kent), Donna Ford (Niagara), Bryan Price (Chair Windsor Network), Christine Dudley (Windsor Network), Ghislaine Brodeur (MCZCR), Karen Daniels (MCZCR).
- The Tourism Product committee is meeting later in November and wants a tourism template by the end of November.
Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership
- Recognize that there are established tours in Windsor and Niagara.
- Expressed an interest in seeing enhanced programming at the sites to attract repeat visitors.
- The intent is to market the “Underground Railroad” theme and to also promote the other events and attractions that are in the region. They are not looking for enhanced programming all year round but for a few special activities that could take place over the summer that will entice people to come back.
- Two resources being produced:
1. Guidebook – market Black Heritage sites to group tour operators.
2. Brochure to target the fully independent traveller (those tourists travelling by car on their own).
- Example of Uncle Tom’s Cabin: Doing a study to look at how to enhance the site and programs. They have found that educational and group tours make up most of their market. While these markets are important, they don’t generate much revenue for the site. They are looking at ways to increase the number of visitors travelling to the site by car as they tend to spend more at the site.
Cultural Strategic Development Fund. (CSDF)
- Working group has been formed to look at the potential for MCZCR funding for a pilot project.
- Draft terms of reference were circulated to meeting participants for review. The terms of reference include a list of possible projects related to programming that the sites may want to consider undertaking over the next year.
- The timelines for the application are very short with a completed application due to the Ministry by mid- December.
- The terms of reference document also includes a list of questions that need to be answered by November 23rd. The information is necessary for the grant application.
Areas of Co-operation
- The Network is involved with several initiatives currently including the digital collections project, development of a tourism product and the CSDF application to MCZCR.
- Several initiatives listed in the CSDF application are also listed in the areas of co-operation. It is important to consider these in reviewing the CSDF application.
- The areas of co-operation still need to be priorized according to the following criteria:
1. Short-term projects that will be successful.
2. Projects that build momentum.
3. Projects that build partnerships.
4. Projects that can generate revenue.
5. Projects that are feasible given time and resources available.
- Areas of co-operation to be discussed at the next meeting.
Information Sharing
- Marilyn Driscoll, Marketing Coordinator for the City of St. Catharines is available to assist any of the sites with their marketing plans/efforts. She can be reached at (905) 984- 2566.
Date: Monday January 15, 2001
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Location: St. Catharines Museum – Burgoyne Room Welland Canal Centre/Lock 3
Call Eva Salter if you require traveling directions 1 800 263 2441 ext. 3
AGENDA – Jan 15 To be developed