Further Discussion
News of Guelph Museums
Museum Initiates Black History Project by Laurence Grant
Guelph Museums has received a $6,300 grant from the Canadian Museums Association and
the Department of Canadian Heritage to research and mount an exhibition on Guelph and
Wellington County’s black history. The museum was one of eleven across the country to
receive such funding. The project is being organized cooperatively with the Wellington
County Museum & Archives and is supported by the British Methodist Episcopal Church,
the Guelph & District Multicultural Centre, the Wellington County Board of Education and
the University of Guelph History Department. Both Guelph & Wellington County are known
to have long standing black communities dating back to the beginning of non native
settlement of this area, but these communities. have not been well documented in written
histories. In the course of its research, the museum hopes to find photographs and film
footage and conduct oral histories in order to fully tell the story of the experience of black
people in this area.
The Museum will be looking at linkages with other cultural groups and such shared
experiences as immigration, adaptation to a new society and cultural survival.