ACO: Architectural Conservancy of Ontario
CCI: Canadian Conservation Institute
CLFN: Curve Lake First Nation
COBRA: Canada-Ontario Business Recovery Assistance Program
CTC: Canadian Tourism Commission
CVB: Convention and Visitors Bureau
DMC: Destination Management Company
DMO: Destination Marketing Organization
ECO: Escarpment Centre Ontario
FAM: Familiarization Tour
FIT: Foreign Independent Traveller
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
HBC: Hudson’s Bay Company
LACAC: Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee
M&IT: Meeting and Incentive Travel
MCZCR: Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation
NONTA: Northern Ontario Native Tourism Association
OAS: Ontario Archaeological Society
OGS: Ontario Geological Survey
OHF: Ontario Heritage Foundation
OMAFRA: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and
Rural Affairs
OMNR: Ontario Ministry of Natural
OTCA: Ottawa Tourism and Convention
OTMP: Ontario Tourism Marketing
OVTA: Ottawa Valley Tourist
SME: Small and Medium Size
SONTA: Southern Ontario Native Tourism
STOP: Small Town Ontario
SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats
TES: The Ecotourism
TIAA: Travel Industry Association of
TODS: Tourism Ontario Direction
VFR: Visiting Friends and
WTO: World Tourism
Bulk Fare: Fare available only to tour organizers or operators who purchase a specified block
of seats from a carrier at a low, non-commissionable price. Operators must then sell the
seats, adding their commission to the price of the seats.
Carrier: Transportation company such as airline, bus, steamship line, railroad, etc., for
passengers and/or cargo.
Commercial Rate: A special rate agreed upon by a company and a hotel. Usually, the hotel
agrees to supply rooms by a specified quality or better at a flat rate.
Commission: A fee received by a travel agent from a supplier for selling a product, service, or
package offered by that supplier.
Commissionable Tours: A tour available for sale through retail and wholesale travel agencies,
which provides for a payment of sales commission to a retail or wholesale seller.
Cultural Heritage: The expressions of culture that we inherit from the past, including items
people have made, and non-material things like traditions, skills and attitudes.
Ecotourism: Tourism that focuses on nature-related experiences and helps people appreciate
and understand our natural resources and their conservation.
Familiarization Tour (FAM Tour): A complimentary or reduced-rate travel program designed to
acquaint travel tour planners, agents, wholesalers, and/or travel writers with tourism
products and destinations in order to stimulate sales and positive media attention.
Foreign Independent Traveller (FIT): Tourists who travel by themselves instead of travelling as
part of an organized group.
Ground Operators: A company or individual providing services exclusive of transportation such
as: hotel accommodations, sightseeing, transfers, and other related services.
Heritage: The set of all things, places and ideas we have inherited from the past that are
special to a community (including both natural and man-made elements).
Inbound Tour Operators: Also known as receptive tour operators or ground handlers, are
North American-based companies that put together tour components into saleable and
attractive packages (i.e. accommodation, transportation, meals, attractions and adventure
experiences) for foreign visitors.
Natural Heritage: A term used to describe nature or specific natural places, as a way of
recognizing its value to our culture today and for future generations.
Net Rate: A basic rate charged by a supplier that is later marked up for eventual resale by a
travel agent or tour operator.
Outbound Tour Operators: North American-based companies that buy packaged tour products
which they in turn market to the consumer through glossy 4-colour brochures distributed by
travel agencies in foreign countries. Receptive Agent: A tour operator or travel agent who
specializes in providing services for incoming visitors (see also Inbound Tour Operator).
Tourism Buyers: Are tour package consumers who in turn market to the visitors – the overseas
traveller (see Inbound and Outbound Tour Operators).
Tour Operator: A person or company that creates and/or markets inclusive tours
and/or performs tours.
Travel Trade: Organizations that provide the link between suppliers and consumers. These
organizations include: tour operators/wholesalers, travel agencies, travel clubs, government
marketing departments and convention organizers.