Guelph International Resource Centre
123 Woolwich Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 3V1
(519)822 3110 voice, (519) 822 7089 fax
Dear: Ms. Jewell
The Guelph International Resource Centre (GIRC) would like to thank you again for your
participation in the Guelph Social History Project. The videos are available to be viewed at
the Guelph Civic Museum.
GIRC is continuing its work with the Guelph Social History Project by creating a series of
new videos called The Recollection Video Series. These videos are a continuation of the
oral history which you provided. The purpose of these new videos are to integrate them into the school curriculum, so that children living in Guelph will have a greater understanding of how you have seen Guelph grow and change over the years.
If you would like to support GIRC with its continuation of the Guelph Social History Project,
you can do that in two ways. First, you could become a member of the Guelph International
Resource Centre and get four newsletters a year, discounts off of GIRC events, and the ability
to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Second, you could make a monetary donation that
you feel is appropriate.
It is with help from people like you that we can continue the wonderful work that we do.
Thank you again.
Amanda Margetson
Membership Outreach Coordinator