6 Dublin Street South,
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
N1H 4L5
Telephone: (519) 836-1221 Fax: (519) 836-5280
December 10, 1997
Melba Jewell
44 Alma Street South
Guelph, Ontario N1H 5W7
Dear Melba:
On behalf of Guelph Museums and the coordinating team for this year’s Historic Places of
Worship Walking Tour, I would like to thank you and all those involved for your participation.
We truly appreciate your warm welcome. Although the numbers were smaller than expected, all those attending were quite impressed with the British Methodist Episcopal Church.
A very special thank you for the wonderful singing performance. A marvellous addition to the
days activities!
We will be reviewing and evaluating this year’s event, possibly changing the date for next year’s
walking tour. Please let us know if you have any comments to add to our report. Your thoughts
are greatly appreciated.
Thank you again for taking part in our second annual Places of Worship walking tour. We will
keep you informed of our plans for 1998.
All the best for the Holiday Season.
Coordinator of Public Programs
Guelph Museums