Items donated temporarily to museum for black history exhibits.
Lawson-Jewell genealogy 1841-1995 (family tree book)
AME church cemetery blue books photos
Framed photo- mom and dad- uncle AL’s wedding, toronto- 1935
Framed percy c jewell in CPR Porters uniform- 1946
Framed st. johns day- June 1951
Additional photos
Blocks photo envelope- block itinerary exhibit photos
White photocopy from board office
Guelphs bands and musicians- RF Hamilton- 7 pages of lawrence
Enveloped photos- BME Church conference
4 photos- Rev. T jackson- BME church- conferences
“Other photos” album (black and white)- “Fabulous P.J.s photos”
Framed Photo- “The fabulous PJ’s”
Coloured “fabulous PJ’s Posters and Engagement Poster (cherry colour)
MAPS OF USA- 1 of africa, showing slave trade route
1 page photocopy of jessie and uncle herb
Book- “uncle tom’s cabin”
Mary maps
Photo- 1955-19965 of downtown guelph showing “81 norfolk st.”
BME church hymn board
Black hisotry “notes”- album
BME church records- demolition of parsonage, honour roll.