Guelph Civic Museum
6 Dublin Street South Guelph,
Ontario N1H 4L5
(519) 836-1221
McCrae House
108 Water Street
Guelph, Ontario N1G 1AG
(519) 836-1482
March 30, 1998
Melba Jewell
44 Alma St.
Guelph, Ontario N1H 5W7
Dear Melba:
Once again, thank you for agreeing to participate in Guelph Museums Historic Churches of
Guelph Walking Tour featuring places of worship in and around downtown Guelph on Saturday,
April 25, 1998 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. As promised, I have enclosed an itinerary of the
days activities and flyer to post at your church.
We are scheduled to visit The British Methodist Episcopal Church at approximately 11:45/50
a.m. and stay for a 30 minute tour which will include a hymn sing (This was great last year!).
From the BME we will proceed to Paisley Memorial United Church for lunch and a tour.
At present, we are unsure of the number of individuals participating, but we estimate from 40
to 60 people will take part in the tour. Thank you for allowing us the use of your space and
agreeing to speak to our group. We look forward to hearing about the Church’s history!
Do call me (836-1221) if you need to discuss any aspects of the tour or for ticket information.
Thank you again for your support in this unique walking tour.
Coordinator of Public Programs
Guelph Museums