This final component will bring meaningful closure to the project. It will involve
the gathering together of all the information and the creation of a modest display
reveal- ing some of the findings of the project to the general public.
This component will also contain an evaluation of the project and a financial
Career Planning
On the abstract level the project will contextualize career planning within an
historical framework. Through the participants’ research of the interaction of
economic forces on the social realm they will develop an understanding of macro
evolution of job markets and employment trends. Participants will then be able to
examine their own lives and community and anticipate the evolution of the job
market. This examination will -provide a basis on which to plan for the future. By
speaking with seniors, participants will also gain insights into how individuals have
adapted to job market changes in this community.
More concretely GIRC staff members and outside facilitators will lead the
participants through a career planning process that will operate parallel to the activities of the Social History Project. This process will absorb ten full days of the Youth Service Canada project period. The process will include the following focus areas:
● research of self interest and
employability skills
● goal setting for both the group and
● resume and portfolio preparation
● labour market research, job search
skills and presentation skills
● simulated employment interviews
● entrepreneurial activities and business
Project Partners
Guelph International Resource Centre will be the host organization for the project.
Ed Video will provide training and support to participants in videography, digital technology and
camera work. Ed Video is a non-profit artist run video production centre in Guelph.
Guelph Museum will assist the participants with their research. The Museum has indicated that it
would be willing to provide further staff time and other resources should the project focus on its
current research objectives. Both labour history and Italian immigration to Guelph were cited as
being useful areas of research for the Museum. The museum staff also indicated that they would
provide guidance to ensure that this project does not duplicate existing research and archives.
Guelph And District Labour Council – will provide archives on labour Guelph and provide
both individual and organizational sources
Evergreen Seniors Centre – has indicated an interest in assisting with the project outreach to
Guelph Public Library – access to archives.
Wellington County Museum and Archives – has indicated it will provide staff
or volunteer assistance with the archives as well as waive admission fees.
EMI – has indicated it will provide discounted prices on hardware as well as some technical support.
Other partnerships that are under consideration:
Sony Canada – reduction in cost for digital video camera.
University of Guelph Library – for access to historical documents and archival training.
Guelph Historical Society – for resource people on Guelph history.
Seniors Committee of the Guelph Italian Canadian Club – assistance with outreach to seniors of Italian descent.
Project Co-ordination and Management
As the sponsoring agency GIRC will report to HRDC, the funding body. Staff of
GIRC report to the volunteer Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is
accountable to the membership and the community at large. A GIRC staff person
will work as a part-time project manager for the duration of the project. The
project co-ordinator will work with the project manager in ensuring the project’s
success. GIRC’s financial administrator will ensure accurate records of the project
are kept in accordance with HRDC guidelines, issue cheques and receipts and
assist in preparing the financial component of the final report.
The Project Co-ordinator will have a post secondary education in a relevant
field and/or relevant experience working with youth. They will also have
experience in developing programs, working with community groups, group
facilitation, and program evaluation. The co-ordinator will be expected to:
● recruit, hire and supervise the training of participants
● develop a team environment
● work with participants to develop personal goals
● co-ordinate day to day activities of the participants.
● work with GIRC staff to arrange the employment counseling for the participants
● facilitate interaction with community partners
● evaluate the progress of the project and the participants
● report to the GIRC staff and Board of Directors
● participate in the collective duties of the GIRC staff
The co-ordinator will be hired 2 -4 weeks before the start of the project and will
be expected to work approximately 35 hours a week on a flexible schedule. The
search for a co-ordinator will start in the local community via job postings,
advertisements and through community groups. In addition, the position will be
posted at the Canada Employment Centre. Both the hiring processes for the
Project Co-ordinator and the Project Participants will be facilitated by GIRC staff
and Board members and will adhere to the organization’s emphasis on hiring
qualified people who face systemic barriers to employment.
There will be a total of twelve Project Participants recruited from Guelph and
area. The participants will come from diverse socio-economic backgrounds but
will share the common experience of being out of school and/or out of work in
their community.
GIRC will use its existing youth network to recruit participants as well as
through local media, Canada Employment and the project partners. The key
concept used in assembling the project team will be “diversity”. Potential
participants responding to the posting will be invited to an information session
and they will be invited to make written applications. Participants will be
choosen by an interview team comprised of GIRC staff and the project co-
ordinator. The participants will be selected according to their interest in the
goals of the project, their interest in history and digital technology, and their
commitment to developing a personal career plan over the course of the
Media Strategy
The nature and subject of the project lends itself to a great deal of media
outreach. Upon approval of the project, GIRC will initiate a media outreach
strategy which will focus on two aspects of the project. The first will be to assist
in finding suitable inter- view subjects and the second will focus on the inter- generational benefits of the project. The project will have a significant media
presence throughout its duration.
The Social History Project will be evaluated on its ability to meet the
measurable objectives outlined above, as well as on the individual goals and
objectives of the project participants. The Project Co-ordinator and the GIRC
staff member will prepare a final report and this will be submitted to HRDC and
any other interested party. Participants and community partners will be
surveyed to provide their perspectives on the success of the project.
Mini-evaluations will occur at the end of each of the project components to
ensure that the project activities are meeting their stated objectives.
An independent audit of the financial activities of the project will also be
completed at the end of the project if it is required by HRDC. Regardless, a full
financial accounting of the project will be included in the final report.