Making Space
by Dave Goode and Bev Dietrich
Guelph Museums staff are thrilled to announce the success of the fundraising efforts to develop
improved storage at the Guelph Civic Museum. Brenda Chamberlain, MP, presented Guelph

Museums with a cheque for $25,000 which enables us to proceed with our main storage moveable
shelving project. This improvement will increase artifact storage by approximately 30% and allow
us to remove part of the collection from a crowded hall. The project will now go to tender for the
installation of a mechanical assist control operating system with completion anticipated for
September, 1998. Starting in May, staff and volunteers will begin packing artifacts in anticipation of
their move to the third floor for temporary storage. Meanwhile, contractors will be laying a new
floor, dry walling exposed stone walls and installing the shelves in the basement. Guelph Museums
would like to thank the Museum Assistance Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage, City
of Guelph and the Guelph Civic Museum Development fund for financial assistance.
Upcoming Exhibitions
by Bev Dietrich and Dave Goode
They’re back. The Royal City Quilters’ Guild is mounting another quilt exhibit this time entitled
« Material Pleasures ». Don’t miss out on these beautiful works of textile art. The show runs from
April 24 to June 21, 1998. Student art can be exciting, creative and on the edge. This year the OAC
art class from Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute is curating and presenting their own show
« Chaos ». Students are preparing works from all media. It promises to be an appealing show and
runs from May 1 until May 14, 1998. An organization of local community groups would like to
share a secret with you. Museum staff are excited to be developing an exhibit in cooperation with
area Freemasons called « Freemasonry in Guelph and Wellington County since 1848 ». The exhibit
will include artifacts contributed by the 12 craft lodges (Freemasons): Order of the Eastern Star,
International Order of Job’s Daughters, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Order of DeMolay and The Shrine.
The exhibit runs from July 2 to Labour Day, 1998.
Brewed in Guelph & Wellington County Opens September 25
by Laurence Grant
An exhibition on the brewing industry will be opening at the Guelph Civic Museum in September.
The exhibition. will feature the history of brewing in this area – its 19th century beginnings,
companies, personalities, managers and workers, technology of brewing, associated agricultural
activities, economic impacts, drinking establishments, effects of prohibition and the rise of the
craft brewing tradition in the 1980s. In conjunction with this event, a beer tasting, historic pub
walk and brewers’ cemetery tour are being organized. The exhibition is being cooperatively
developed with the Wellington County Museum and Archives and occurs in conjunction with the
advent of the Wellington-Waterloo Ale Trail. Beginning in April, area breweries will host monthly
hospitality Sundays and visitors will be able to travel an ale trail in their exploration of the craft

brewing traditions of the region.
The exhibition has received funding support from the Sleeman Brewing and Malting Company.