- Knowing hours of operation at each site
- Knowing services and facilities available at each site
- Having brochure of other sites available
- Building trust
- Increasing cooperation
- Communication among sites
- Identifying resources
- Local « experts »
- Information kits -develop
- School groups (Boards of Education and teachers)
- Identify some people to be resource people – to work with teachers on education
- Work with boards to ensure accuracy of information, identifying black heritage in curriculum
- Develop education kit ex. « Learn not to Burn »
- kit used by fire departments to teach fire safety Better educate tourism operators, local politicians
- Ensuring consistency of story
1. general overall story
2. unique story of each site / community
- Recording it
- Inventory of artefacts existing at each site and collectively catalogue
- Conveying that it is a shared history
- Trade shows / FAM tours
- Signage logos – common and identifiable
- Mapping idea
- Common web site
- Special events
- Black Heritage month
- Education for tour operators, volunteers
- Distribution list include all sites, tourism
- operators i.e. newsletter, broadcast fax
- Getting information into tourism bureaux
- Promotion of individual sites – cross marketing
Volunteers / Human Resources
- Includes human resource development
- Training for volunteers i.e. Super Host program
- Does each site have a succession plan on paper? to ensure information remains and is collected.
- Working with school boards to get volunteer students, coop students
- Opportunity for training workshops for staff and volunteers
- policy development
- administration
- Assistance with planning
- Identifying resources that exist to help achieve projects i.e. professional associations
- Tour of all sites for staff and volunteers of individual sites – so everyone knows what’s available at other sites